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Press Release

Private Equity: Bächler + Güttinger and Solothurn-based horticulturist Egger join forces


Swiss horticultural group Bächler + Güttinger AG, held by the Patrimonium Private Equity Fund and EGS Beteiligungen, joins forces with Solothurn-based horticultural company Egger AG. The union is part of the national growth strategy of the joint holding company B+G Schweiz AG,  and arranges the succession of the previous owner, Samuel Kreienbühl.

The acquisition strengthens the presence of B+G Schweiz AG in the Swiss midlands with a regional leader. The growth strategy with a gradual geographical expansion follows increased key accounts’ demand for cross-regional presence.

Following the acquisition of Berger Roman AG by B+G Schweiz AG in June, this is the second expansion step of the Bernese horticultural company in the Swiss midlands, further strengthening its leading position in this region. The group now generates annual sales of around CHF 50 million and employs over 250 people.

Egger AG is a family business founded in 1949 specialized in a wide range of services in the areas of garden maintenance and garden, pond and sports ground construction. Egger employs over 40 people at its sites in Bellach and Wangen bei Olten. The integration enables synergies in specialist areas and a broader range of services. The entire group benefits from Egger AG’s in-depth know-how in various growth segments, for example in the design and maintenance of natural gardens. Egger’s sports ground construction will be integrated into Bächler + Güttinger AG’s strong sports division, enabling Egger AG to operate in the market with a more powerful offering.

Ulrich Mogwitz, Senior Director at Patrimonium Private Equity, says: “We are very pleased to integrate Egger AG into our group and are convinced that the two companies complement each other ideally, even beyond their strategic orientations: Both live a down-to-earth corporate culture that promotes ideas and consistently deliver high-quality services. With Martin Tschopp as Managing Director and Thomas Lüthi as Deputy Managing Director and Olten Site Manager, Egger AG can also continue to count on an experienced and well-coordinated management team.”

Kurt Hauser, Managing Director and co-owner of Bächler + Güttinger AG, says: “The combination brings broader know-how, a more versatile range of services and the possibility to jointly handle larger orders for the entire group. In addition, as an employer we are now in a position to offer even more interesting jobs and more varied training opportunities. Both for our customers and our employees, the combination will have a very positive impact.”


Patrimonium Private Equity
Ulrich Mogwitz
Senior Director
+4158 787 00 13

Patrimonium Private Equity

Patrimonium Private Equity Fund SCSp is advised by Patrimonium Private Equity Advisors AG, a subsidiary of Patrimonium Asset Management AG (“Patrimonium”), a Swiss, FINMA regulated private markets fund management company that operates across the real estate, private debt, private equity and infrastructure asset classes. The firm is characterized by a direct and responsible investment approach and operates primarily in Switzerland, Germany and neighboring countries. Patrimonium Asset Management AG manages assets in the amount of CHF 4 billion. With offices in Lausanne, Zurich and Zug, the firm employs over 70 people.
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EGS Beteiligungen AG

EGS Beteiligungen AG is an investment company of the Ernst Göhner Foundation, and implements its entrepreneurial purpose. It invests with a long-term orientation in profitable, medium-sized and larger private as well as listed Swiss companies. With active influence on the company’s structure, it pursues the goal of developing its investments positively in the long term.

B+G Schweiz AG

B+G Schweiz AG is a portfolio company of the Patrimonium Private Equity Fund SCSp advised by Patrimonium Private Equity Advisors AG and EGS Beteiligungen AG, a subsidiary of the Ernst Göhner Foundation.

Bächler + Güttinger AG

Bächler + Güttinger AG, based in Kiesen/BE, is one of the largest gardening and landscaping companies in Switzerland. The company focuses on professional consulting, planning and the construction and maintenance of gardens and sports facilities for companies, private individuals and public institutions. Bächler + Güttinger AG employs over 200 people.
With a total of six locations in the cantons of Berne, Fribourg and Valais, Bächler + Güttinger AG, together with its subsidiary Berger Roman AG in Oberbuchsiten, has a strong foothold above all throughout the Central Plateau. Bächler + Güttinger was founded over 100 years ago and is owned by the Patrimonium Private Equity Fund, EGS Beteiligungen AG, CEO Kurt Hauser and the management.

Egger AG

Egger AG is a leading company in the Solothurn/Olten area for garden, landscape and sports ground construction. The company was founded in 1949 and has developed into a high-performance specialist for consulting, planning, construction and maintenance of gardens, playgrounds, grounds and sports fields. Egger AG offers its predominantly private and municipal customers a professional all-round service and can draw on a high-performance machine park.
From the two locations in Bellach and Wangen bei Olten, the more than 40 employees are active in the neighboring regions of Mittelland, Northwestern Switzerland and Central Switzerland. Egger AG has been part of B+G Schweiz AG since September 1, 2022.

Berger Roman AG

Berger Roman AG, based in Oberbuchsiten/SO, is a well-established and regionally anchored garden and landscape contractor. Mr. Roman Berger founded the company in 1985 and has since built up an efficient team. The focus of the company is on the planning, construction and maintenance of gardens in the private and public segments. 

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